The development in infrastructure and changes in our daily lives has led to a lot of pollution and damage to the environment. Meanwhile our lifestyles include many short cuts, such as junk food to avoid time spent cooking, using vehicles to travel short distances and the lack of continuous exercise as we lack time out of work and other commitments. 

While some are keen on supporting both sustainable environmental habits and exercise some need to find a little more motivation. This is especially for them; here are a few ways to combine an exercise regime while also being environmentally conscious. The benefit is that these tips are so simple you would be doing them without realizing it.

Making walking a daily routine

Walking is by far the most common and easiest form of exercise. There are no weights, energy or restrictions that are needed. Whether it is a short walk to your office, grocery store or even around your block, find a way to make it a daily habit. By walking instead of using a vehicle for short distances you are minimizing unnecessary carbon emissions thus being environmentally conscious.

Try out biking

Riding a bicycle is a workout in itself. However once again it is one of the healthiest forms of cardio. So instead of going to a gym and riding the machines that look very similar to a bicycle, why not try out the real thing. Riding concentrates on legs and calves and it’ll probably get you to places faster than walking. With the introduction of bike lanes it has become quite common as it benefits the rider and the environment.

Scooter your way around

With great advancements from toy scooters, these high tech and performance-ridden scooters should be your new commute. With fast electric scooters distance is not a problem anymore. They are light, easy to use, built for most terrains and roads and look quite cool.

If you hate being stuck in traffic for hours, this option of riding is highly recommended. It is a leg workout as well but requires much less effort than maybe riding a bicycle up a hill even with gears. The growing popularity and advancement in technology have created a huge demand for these electric scooters.


The benefit of doing yoga is that it does not require a huge space. Your balcony or living room is sufficient as long as you’ve got your yoga mat. Yoga is an exercise regime that uses mental strength and not only physical. It calms the body and mind enabling you to be more productive during the day.

The relationship yoga has to the environment is that it is one of nature. Unlike having to travel to a gym, yoga allows you to appreciate the nature around you. It creates a connection with the environment and can even be done in a park or your rooftop surrounded by your rooftop garden.

Incorporating exercise and environmental consciousness helps to develop your body and mind and helps a huge role in how we perceive our surroundings.