Everyone is unique and places varying values on different things. Whenever you clean up your house, you should give some thought to the things that are most essential to you as well as the amount of time you have available to accomplish the cleaning. After you’ve established a routine, the sequence in which you tidy your home will come to you without conscious thought. Keep reading forinstructions on the proper sequence to follow when cleaning your home.
1. Begin by doing the cleaning jobs that call for chemicals to be allowed to seep in, or that may be left unattended while you attend to other matters. You may begin by loading and operating the dishwasher, putting oven cleaner into your oven, beginning a cycle of laundry, or pouring bleach into your toilet, for instance. This step is important if you’re doing serious cleaning such as the end of lease cleaning Melbourne. You can do this to make cleaning a little simpler when you come to certain areas of your house.

2. Start at the top and work your way down- Nothing is more frustrating than finishing cleaning something only to have to do it again soon after. When you clean your home, dust will fall on surfaces like tables, bench tops, and the floor, where it will eventually accumulate. If you execute this step last, you’ll end up having to clean these surfaces all over again when you’ve finished dusting them. Don’t fight against gravity; instead, work with it!
3. Start by organizing, then cleaning- If you do not have a lot of clutter in the way of your cleaning efforts in each individual space, you will have a much simpler time cleaning. Because of this, the most efficient way to clean your home is to start by clearing away clutter and organizing the space before getting your hands filthy. Taking the effort to put things back where they belong can make cleaning much simpler for you. When it comes to the thorough cleaning of your kitchens, bathrooms, and floors, this is of the utmost importance.

4. Start by drying off the “wet spaces.”- The term “wet spaces” refers to places like bathrooms and kitchens. These often require the longest amount of time to clean. For this reason, you need to take care of them first. After you have completed steps 1 and 3, begin by dusting everything, and then go on to clean your kitchen and bathrooms. Because the cleaning chemicals will have had sufficient time to penetrate the surface, your work should be simpler.
5. Floors should be cleaned last of all – This should be the part of your errand that is the least difficult. This is the reason why it comes after everything else in the sequence of cleaning your home. In addition to that, by this time, the dust would’ve stopped hanging in the air. Mopping and vacuuming it up will be less of a chore as a result. Beginning at the highest point and working your way down will put gravity on your side.