Australia, in the modern day and age has become an economic powerhouse of the Pacific Ocean, which has made many public and private organizations from all around the world to invest in the land down under. However, if you are an individual looking to invest in a start-up, the procedure may sound complex at first, but a closer look into it and it really is not that difficult if you follow the instructions set forth by the Australian authorities. There are a number of ways that you can invest in the country; however, here are just some elements that have to be looked into carefully when deciding which pathway of investment to choose:

One of the first things that have to be considered by any investor is the ability to see their investment at work, especially in the initial stages. In other words, visa processes should be looked into quite carefully in order to make sure your investments are legal and would not result in any sort of suspicion. In Australia, there are 3 main visas that can be obtained by the potential investor depending on the investment that he/she is willing to make. Such visas are the basic investor visa, the significant investor visa, and the premium investor visa.
The capital investment that you are willing to make is something that plays an important role in your business organization, regardless of it being a start-up or an established one. In Australia, there are three tiers of capital investment that can be made and is clearly stated in the types of visas that can be obtained by investors. The basic investor visa requires an individual to possess at least AUD 1.5 million, the significant investor stream requires you to have at least AUD 5 million, and the premium investor stream requires you to have at least AUD 15 million.
Having the money to invest, however, is not the only thing that counts when attempting to invest and start a business in Australia, as the authorities often undertake other assessments for the potential investor, in order to make sure the individual is the real deal. These assessments include a health assessment and a specially designed test to see if you are knowledgeable and are genuine in your intentions. Moreover, this test has a set pass mark too, which makes it all the more important to know about investments in the country, along with having the right plans of opening up your business.

Types of businesses that can be opened
There are a number of types of businesses that can be opened if you are an investor from outside the country. These often take the form of sole proprietorships, corporate and partnerships. Of course, each one has its benefits and disadvantages; however, a proper analysis of the features of the types of businesses will help you decide on what type of investment that should be made.
Although having quite strict procedures for potential investors, it is not so difficult to follow when compared to certain other countries, thus making it one of the more investor friendly countries that give incentive for even outsiders to give it a try.