Epoxy resin is used to make so many different things from utensils, paintings, smartphones, crafts, ornaments etc. These are a group of base polymers that can form something new when they are mixed together with different components.
There are epoxy resin kits that you can purchase in order to create small items and try your hand at a new hobby. All you will need are some accessories along with the two components for epoxy resin which are hardener and liquid resin. You will come across different types of resin and these can be used for various applications. Epoxy resin is very simple to use and you can make so many things out of it especially since it is considered food grade safe once it is cured. There are many industries where epoxy resin is used such as automotive, mechanical engineering, electronics, construction and aerospace engineering. And for insulation in marine vessels, marine resin or polyester resin is used. It is durable even when submerged in water and you can see it in many marine construction projects as well.

Crystal resin is similar to epoxy resin. While epoxy resin can be used to make protective coatings of items, you can make resin jewellery out of crystal resin. You can add things such as crystals and accessories to the resin so that you have a unique piece of jewellery. You can search “where to buy crystal” online to get an idea of online retailers that specialise in them. When you are adding crystals to resin, you need to make sure that it doesn’t sink below the resin as this will dull its reflectivity. You need to make sure that there is a very thin layer of resin over the crystals so they can still have that sparkle. When you are casting artwork with epoxy resin, you may not be able to get a clear appearance. So crystal resin is the right type to use in these situations as it will look just like glass after it is cured. This is also referred to as clear resin epoxy. Because of this issue, when crafting with epoxy resin, many people tend to use colours.

While conventional resin requires the mixing of two components, you will not have the same experience with UV resin. Here you only have one component and hardening of the resin will be done by UV light. You can use a UV bulb or have the item kept under sunlight. This is great for projects with tight timelines the curing will take only a few hours whereas the conventional epoxy resin will take about half a day up to two days depending on the project. If you are creating something that has a depth of more than 2 inches, you will need to select deep pour resin. You will not be able to create this with conventional epoxy resin as it has a thick consistency. And pouring the resin in smaller volumes at intervals will not be practical. The consistency of deep pour epoxy is thinner and this allows you to use it in large resin casting projects. This is what is used for tabletop resin designs as it is easier to work with in large quantities.