There are many problems you can face regarding your vehicle when you are driving. And having a puncture is one of the common situations that you can find yourself in. There are ways of reducing your risk of having a puncture and that is by ensuring you have the right tyre pressure. If your tyres are underinflated, they will be at a higher risk for punctures.
Usually, when there is a puncture in your tyre, you will feel some vibrations on the steering wheel and handling the steering wheel can become a little difficult. Instead of pulling over right away, accelerating a little at this point will give you some traction before you can pull over. You should never drive on a flat tyre as that will damage the tyre irreparably. For small punctures, you can use a puncture spray. You have to locate the puncture in the tyre and remove any debris that is found in the tread. This will spray foam into the area that has been breached by a foreign object. This can be a nail, rock or any type of debris. You have to drive carefully after spraying the foam. You can visit The Tyre Factory to get a better look at the tyre and carry out a repair. If the puncture spray doesn’t work, you will need to use the spare wheel. It’s a good idea to check the pressure of the spare wheel now and then so that you don’t have to worry about the spare wheel not being in good shape.
When changing the wheel, you have to make sure that the brakes and the gear is set so that the car will not move during the process. You have to loosen the bolts first. There should be a jack in the car. You can use it to lift the vehicle and then complete loosening the bolts. Once you remove the damaged wheel, you can replace it with the spare wheel and tighten the bolts back again. You need to recheck whether the bolts are tightened properly after the jack is removed. You can use the spare wheel until the wheel can be repaired or replaced. You shouldn’t be using the spare wheel on a permanent basis. Once you get to a tyre repair service, they will examine the level of damage that has been caused to the tyre at first. They will fill the path or breach made by the object so that it is levelled. The tyre should be removed from the wheel before the damage is repaired. Doing this will give the mechanic a better understanding of the damage. Using a plug or patch is more of a short term solution. Air can still leak from the tyre with a plug.
You have to make sure that the inner liner of the tyre is cleaned, cemented and patched up so that no air leakage will occur. Now you can find tyres that come with runflat technology. These tyres have reinforced rubber on the sidewalls so that in the event of a puncture, the rigidity of the sidewalls can still withstand the weight of the vehicle. You will still be able to drive at a moderate speed with a puncture when you have runflat tyres.